Couldn't believe it when I saw it at this shop in Jalan Pasar. Old Skool sial....Childhood memories. Used to get it from my neighbourhood rotiman when i was like 6 or 7 yrs old. He would come by around 6.45pm everyday. i will just sit at the balcony and wait for the ever familiar sounds rotiman honk! Then in the speed of light, i'd dash down the stairs and usually by the time i reached him...he'll be surrounded by other kids living in the neighbourhood! damn...those kids! always in my way!

the chocoballs now gettin abit small lar..dunno how it taste like now..dun dare to makan! arkeke

quite challenging lor..took me about 15mins to get it assembled...

i googled up kinos and to my surprise, they are still doin quite well and they have been around for 26 yrs ledi!! www.kinos.com.my
seriously brought back loads of childhood memories...almost teared! tiu lor...!
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